Sunday, December 8, 2024

Meatballs Recipe

2 meatballs = 1 meat
Ingredients 6 servings
(We will double or triple this recipe.)
Ground Turkey 1 lb
Tomato Sauce 1/3 cup
Rolled Oats 1/2 cup
Eggs, medium 1
Onion Powder 1 tsp
1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees.
2. Mix all ingredients together.
3. Use 1/4 cup to measure total serving size of meat. Divide that quantity of meat in half to make two meatballs per child.
4. Place meatballs on at least a 1" deep pan sprayed with cooking spray.
5. Bake for 20-30 minutes, until brown. 
6. Drain off fat and serve with gravy.

Note: For ease in shaping meatballs, wet hands slightly.

We served the Meatballs with gravy, sweet potatoes, fruit cocktail, bread and milk for a nutritious lunch.

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