Sunday, December 8, 2024

Cinnamon Raisin Wheels Recipe

Cinnamon Raisin Wheels
1 serving = 1 meat
Ingredients 20 servings
Raisins 1/2 cup
Water 1/2 cup
Yogurt, plain 2/3 cup
Yeast 1 pack (1 Tbsp)
Margarine 2 Tbsp
Eggs 1
Biscuit Mix 4 cups
Cinnamon 1 tsp
Sugar 1/4 cup
Cooking Spray
1. Preheat oven to 375 degrees.
2. Soak raisins overnight in water. Drain and save liquid.
3. Heat raisin water to 115 degrees, adding tap water to equal required amount. Use a candy thermometer to measure temperature.
4. Dissolve yeast in warmed raisin water and let sit for 10 minutes.
5. Stir in yogurt, margarine, raisins, egg and 1/2 of biscuit mix.
6. Mix at low speed for 2 minutes, scraping sides of bowl.
7. Stir in remaining biscuit mix, ass more biscuit mix if necessary to form a stiff dough.
8. Roll dough on a floured surface forming a long rectangle.
9. Mix cinnamon and sugar together and sprinkle over dough. Cut each rectangle in half.
10. Roll each rectangle tightly to form a long cylinder.
11. With a floured knife, or dental floss, slice each cylinder into equal slices, about 1 inch thick.
12. Place on a cookie sheet coated with cooking spray, cut side down. Cover with a clean cloth and put in a warm, dry place to rise for 30 minutes.
13. Bake 15-20 minutes or until brown. 

Note: If serving fewer than 20, refrigerate or freeze unused biscuits to serve at a later date.

We served the Cinnamon Raisin Wheels with bananas and milk for a nutritious breakfast.

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