
A daily schedule helps children learn the order of their day. Young children like to know that they can depend on certain daily routines. This helps them feel secure. When I say things like, "after nap we will have an afternoon snack," children learn what to expect. The daily schedule also helps me organize my day and plan a good balance of activities and experiences for the children. Please keep in mind that this schedule was developed to accommodate children of various age groups. Some children have their own internal schedules. For example, infants need to eat and sleep on demand. Children of differing ages have different needs, interests, and attention spans. It's sometimes a wonder that any of the day proceeds as planned, yet for all the reasons mentioned above, planning is vitally important. It's what ensures that everyone has a productive day.

Time Activity
7:00am Arrival - Children arrive at staggered times. Children can choose an activity until it is time to clean up for breakfast.
8:30am Breakfast - Before breakfast, children help set the table. Family-style breakfast and conversation. After breakfast, older children help put food away and clean up. infants and young toddlers are changed and put down to nap.  
9:00am Morning Activity Time - Children select an activity of their choice or join in a noisy group activity such as finger painting, water play, cooking or puppet making. After the activity time, children help clean up.
10:15am Outside Time - Get ready to go outside. Outdoor play and/or walks.
11:15am Story Time - Clean up and story time; get ready for lunch.
11:45am Lunch - Before lunch, children help set the table. Family style lunch and conversation. After lunch, older children help put food away and clean up. 
12:30pm Nap/Quiet Time - Everyone has nap/quiet time. After nap/quiet time, nap mats and bedding are put away.
2:45pm Snack - Before snack, children help set the table. Family-style snack and conversation. Children discuss choices for afternoon activities. Clean up follows.
3:15pm Afternoon Activity Time - Active indoor play for all children. A special project may be planned.
4:00pm Music & Movement - Group singing time and nondisruptive play for those who do not wish to participate in the group.
4:30pm Departure - Children go home at staggered times. Projects are assembled and daily reports for each child are completed. Children color, look at books, or play with table toys until their parents arrive. Events of the day and plans for the next day are discussed with children and parents as they leave.

Although the daily schedule helps up organize the day, we don't want it to limit our ability to be spontaneous and flexible. For example, if it is a particularly beautiful day, we may want to spend more time outdoors. Or if a child starts dancing to a CD I have put on, I may want to lead the group in a movement activity.

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